Happy Birthday, Mr. Jackson!
Jackson was an incredibly important figure in my childhood in particular and my entire life (thus far) in general. Today being such a landmark birthday of his, I feel the need to reflect on his immeasurable influence on me and the world.
It is true that Jackson has had his share of criticism and even questionable judgement, his trial in 2005 on charges of child molestation being perhaps his biggest misstep. However, no matter how people feel about his legendary eccentricities or other misdeeds, those things can't erase his gigantic contributions to the music and entertainment industry.
I relate to him so much because, in spite of people's endless insults and criticisms, he has never conformed or kowtowed to anyone. He is unique and unusual, not weird and wacky. Those are all things which he and I have in common. He is a creative genius and has heavily influenced many of today's performers from Chris Brown and Usher to Justin Timberlake and on and on.
I can't say enough about his historic career, but I will say this: Enjoy your day and your life, Michael. You have given us fans one heck of a time.
I love you and may God bless you!