But even with a mere five days remaining, John McCain could still emerge victorious.
As awful as that is, there's something going on that's much worse. Sen. McCain has run his campaign with all of the rancor and acrimony of a hundred vengeful women. Instead of focusing on key issues pertinent to the American people, the Republican nominee harps incessantly on negative attacking tactics designed to indict Sen. Obama's character.
It reeks of desperation and a lack of originality.
Meanwhile, Obama has shown a remarkable resiliency and razor sharp focus on all the things that truly matter. While it is true that the young Democratic nominee has occassionally fired off his own assaults on McCain and his camp, keep in mind that most of that has been in defense of himself against the unfair and below-the-belt vitriol spewed by the Republicans.
Let's keep it real.
McCain has allowed his pathetic and sneering V.P., Alaska governor Sarah Palin to smear Obama early and often during her rallies and interviews. McCain has been worst in his last-ditch efforts to gain ground in this historic election. He has suggested that his rival is a pervert by castigating him for wanting sex education to be taught to kindergartners. He has constantly taken Obama to task for his connection to 1960's radical William Ayers and ridiculed his "spotty" executive experience. And let's not forget the incredibly tasteless "Robo-calls."
What gets lost in all of this is valuable time that could be spent on discussing the economic meltdown that the U.S. faces. More time could be spent on health care, education and the war in Iraq among other things.
McCain has mentioned ad nauseum the sacrifices he made for our country. He has branded himself a hero and a legendary statesman. This sentiment has been echoed by not only his colleagues, but Sen. Obama himself.
But after the cheap-shot tactics, McCain seems to be a very small man. It's more than a sin and a shame. It's pathetic and ignorant.
And it proves that McCain is really a no-class coward with an undeserved reputation of a hero.
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