It all started on this date in 1996.
Mary Jo Pesho, a 46-year old North Royalton nurse was returning Christmas gifts with her teen aged children at suburban Parmatown mall on Jan. 2, 1996. When they were about to leave the mall, Pesho told her children to wait near the mall's entrance while she went to retrieve the brand new family van from the parking lot.
That's the last time her family saw her alive.
Amazingly, Pesho stepped into the van and was accosted by two teens without anyone in the lot noticing. The teens, Mark DiMarco and Shannon Kidd, both 17 held her at gunpoint and forced her to drive away from the mall. Over the next several hours, DiMarco and Kidd repeatedly raped and taunted Pesho, eventually burning her with the vehicle's cigarette lighter. She was found dead at a rapid station, the victim of a gunshot wound.
The two young men were eventually sought out and arrested for the crime. They both were found guilty in 1998. DiMarco, the apparent shooter was sentenced to 94 years to life in prison.
DiMarco seemed on the verge of winning an appeal for a new trial in late '98, and by the early weeks of 1999 was said to be in good spirits while locked up. But on February 4, 1999, he "supposedly" committed suicide in his cell while leaving behind a cryptic note hailing himself as a soldier while labelling police as "crooked."
In the fall of 2001, DiMarco's mother Joyce Stewart, who served 90 days in jail for trying to block her son's prosecution was found murdered. Her dismembered body had been stuffed in five trash bags by her husband, William Stewart who was pulled over while driving erratically. Police noticed an arm protruding from one of the bags, to which Mr. Stewart responded, "that's my wife."
What a nut job.
When Stewart was arrested, he was placed in a cell and on suicide watch. It didn't matter. He was found hanging by a bed sheet but barely alive. He died a few weeks later.
This entire horrific saga was more chilling than any Hollywood film could ever be. It was all real life and no doubt took root in DiMarco's childhood if not long before that. With today being the 13th anniversary of the crime that started it all, I want to extend my sympathies to Pesho's children as well as her husband Raymond, who had initially been a suspect in her murder. I spoke with him not long after the murder of his wife, and again after DiMarco's suicide. By then, he had remarried and seemed happy.
Here's hoping that all of us can overcome such a tragedy the way he did, and avoid nut jobs like the DiMarcos and Stewarts.
Shannon Kidd actually seems normal in all of this.
kidd seems normal? ru for real? obviously u never knew or met these ppl. i grew up, went to boy scouts, school etc. with mark. IF ANYONE BOTHERED TO PAY ATTENTION THEY WOULD HAVE PUT HIM DOWN LIKE A DOG LONG BEFORE HE COULD HAVE DONE WHAT HE DID. HAVE U READ THE CORONERS REPORT? DO U KNOW HOW SHE DIED? U WOULD HAVE A DIFF TUNE IF U HAD.
Kidd and Demarco were both young whiggers........period.
They both were wannabees that thought it would be "cool" to murder an innocent woman.Dimarco was being raped as soon as he entered prison and could not take it anymore(killed himself) and Kidd enjoyed it so he became a "wife" in prison.
Both kids came from HORRIBLE families .......guess the apple does not fall to too far from the tree?
all i wanna say is i love you with all my heart Shannon!!
fuck them i knew shannon that dude was whack and fucked up in the head
Would be a shame if Shannon Kidd committed suicide. Nothing but white trash wasting my taxpayer dollars.
Shannon Kidd was in protective contol at Warren Correctional Institution in Lebanon, Ohio, getting fucked in his ass by a little black dude named David Johnston. Shannon Kidd is pure white trash and deserves to, and will rot, in prison.
I was abducted by DiMarco. Aug 30, 1997. Still bearing scars. I hope he and his mother are burning eternally in hell. I got away. MJ Pesho didn't. This will haunt me forever.
My name is Joe Dejesus and I knew mark we were good friends from the time we were 14 until his bullshit suicide, and I knew his mother and step father, anyone who knows anything knows he didn't receive a fair trial and was convicted without any forensic evidence just some punk bitch saying he did it... He was going to get a new trial and I'm sure he would have won!! You can't blame his mom for trying to make sure he got a fair trial.. in hindsight, I realize that mark had issues and was in trouble allot, but a rapist and killer I don't believe!!! His suicide was a crock of Shit!! And it's no surprise it was never investigated properly!!! My heat and prayers go out to all the people that mark ever hurt or wronged, and I hope that your able to find peace and joy in your lives!!! Don't get me wrong, if he did that horrific Shit, he does deserve to burn in hell! Forever!! But my heart tells me he didn't do it so I will stick by my friend!! Thanks.
I can see that some of you with ignorant comments chose to be anonymous. Typical. Have all the facts and be sure youre able to throw those stones before you do. Shannon is a good man and was just a kid then. He will be free soon and deserves a good life which we will have. Shannon did not come from a bad family, his mother is a very good woman. Get a life.
Shannon's mother had two kids with her cousin's, my mother's, husband. He is my half-brother. I hope he is as good a man as you say Amber, because his dad did horrible things to my mother, and she got me away from him so he wouldn't abuse me in any capacity. As a woman I tried twice to get to know him myself to see if what my mother said was true. First time he got sloppy drunk, burned a cigarette hole in my car seat, and attempted to kiss me in a way I wasn't comfortable with. I Sid not contact him again until a few years ago and it seemed like he had quit drinking and may be getting it together....yeah...he text me while I was at the river and asked me to send him a picture of me in my bikini...so that was the end of that. He is a narcissist in my opinion and is lucky not to be under a prison himself. Good luck.
Shannon has been a part of my life for a very long time. He is and always will be my best friend...my heart. What happened to Mary Jo was terrible and I as a mother feel for her children and family. I would never try to validate any of it ....there is no way for anyone to make any of it right again..as my heart breaks for the Pesho family my heart also breaks for a man who loves more than anyone knows...opinons are just.that...but don't you dare judge ..That's Gods job to do.
Amen to that, let God do the judging. Don't judge what you don't understand or have full knowledge of because that alone is a sin, so peace love and happiness to all and let God punish those he feels deserves it.
I told Shannon about this post and he would like to know who you are?
Hi Sonda. Shannon wasn't raised my his biological father. The man who raised him was a good guy..
There's not much in Shannons world that I'm not a part of...its not him that doesn't know..its you. However just know that he has and will always be a part of my life ...the bond we have hasn't been broken in over 20 years...he's my best friend . No need to feel some type of way. Take care Amber. #wordforword
If you were his best friend he would know who you were and he doesn't. Lol but If you want to remain anonymous that's fine. He just thought it was funny was all. Happy Thanksgiving.
#ladybug #324-990 #whereeverforever #famILY Have a blessed day chicka #kidkkudi4life ...lmfao at this shit!
Would be much harder for them to get away with that crime now with all of the video surveillance all over the malls and in the parking lots which they didn't have back in '96. I can't believe the killers didn't leave any fingerprints behind and if she was raped, they were not able to obtain DNA. Hard to believe they were able to cover their tracks so well...
Shannon was raised fucked up. His mother left him and his brother alone when they were toddlers so she could go out with her boyfriend Eddie and they ended up catching the house on fire playing with lighters. If it weren't for the neighbors they would have been dead. There mother was only a child herself having babies at the age of 14-15, then when she married a man named john he was a drug dealer and he even had Shannon and his brother dealing for him. They had a fucked up life. You just don't know. & sonda is right Donald kidd his father is a fucking pervert.
Never said he wasn't. My point was Shannon wasn't raised by him. Anyway we are writing a book so what everyone thinks they know and the truth will be available.
Truth is amber is a "fan" hiding behind the last name Kidd. Its kinda cute honestly that you live in this make believe world. You've known him since Marion so please don't speak on him like you "know him" . Seriously Amber its comical . There is a huge difference between what you think you know and what it is.
I know what world i live in. I don't have to prove myself to you "anonymous" lol. Have a nice day
You are right Amber you need not prove yourself to me
I know what it is and my position and am extremely confident where I stand. Thank you for the laugh it made night !
Shannon is my family and if anyone knows its me he had one fucjed up childhood. The kids was on the streets 24/7 because he was abused badly. Him and his brother junior has been in prison basically there whole life. His mom is a piece of shit she don't even go see him or even write him. Shannon will always be loved no matter how horrible this crime was people change learn to forgive and forget. Move on with your pathetic lives. Free shannon
Shannon gets out early next year.
I'm his cousin I'm sorry how do you know him? I jus talked to him yday he's so grown up now . And I heard he gets on in 2017. And john waycaster was not a good man he was a fucking basterd that abused them boys and treated Samantha like a little angel. So he's where needs to be 6 feet under
Actually July 2017 . His life was very difficult however Shannon has let that go a long time ago. He does not hold onto any resentment that could make him bitter. He was a kid then And has grown into such an incredible man. His life is not defined by what he has been through. Shannon's a soldier and has always relied upon the only person who has never left ...himself..
John was a very good man. How dare you say something like that. Do you know how torn up Shannon was when he passed. Shame on you for passing judgment like that. Shannon's my heart and would be disgusted to know this was said. As far as his mom goes she did the best she could with the boys. No parent is perfect. Unbelievable
actually amber is some whore that married shannon kidd and doesnt even know him. dumbass.
john was not a good man.. he wouldnt even let brenda accept shannons phone calls from prison you dumb fuck.
Shannon is not married. He met her through his incarnation at Marion and is in contact with her periodically.
Well although this has some truth to it it doesn't make John a bad man or me a dumb fuck. I'll just end on this simple note. Shannon has held his own the 18 years he's been away. Not many have truly stood beside him and that is a fact. Subsequently enough I'm not going to continue to subject myself to people who think they know the man Shannon has grown to be with the rude comments. Shannon doesn't live in his past and neither should we. Each day that passes is one day closer to him being home..can't wait to be a part of that journey with him.
you keep thinking he is going to get out and he never will. dream on
2017 he goes in front of the parole board which they will either laugh in his face which is probably what they're going to do but what they're really going to do is give him an outdated what that means is that they're going to give him another life sentence once you go in front of the parole board they have to give you an out date whether it be 5 years 10 years or 90 years most likely he will get a lot of years until his out date you will not be getting out anytime soon sorry to knock you off your high horse
Just as Martin Luther King.... dreams do come true. God bless you
He went to the parole board in December. He gets it on 2015. I've known him for two years. I've met with him dozens of times he calls me everyday. My profile picture is us together from a visit. I'm not anonymous because why should i be? I know how it is. Life goes on and he'll be happy as we all deserve to be.
Hope your visit on the 27th goes well. :)
There was no parole hearing in December and he is not getting out in 2015. Amber seriously is there any truth in anything you say? ???? Get it right girl or get gone. Quit making false statements regarding Shannon. Speak on facts ..truthful ones . Smmfh. Tired of having to correct your misleading posts.
I.know shannon since jr high when he got arressted for having a gun in a classroom he has always had problems good dude if u were a friend of his if not watch out seems like he always found trouble truthly go to drc and see he will never get out that crime was to horrific for them to put him on the streets again and the pesho family does everything in there power to keep him locked up like he got to marion cause ever other state prison he would be someones girlfriend just the facts
He did time in Warren Lebanon also amoung other places. His security level was dropped and that is why he was in Marion. Facts!
Tupac and Biggie. Fucked all those boys heads up. ace duece trey. Most of them treated women like shit. Pussies with guns and drugs. West Park Barber Shop.
No their parents fucked them up. If their mother wasn't a whore and their father wasn't a one legged drunk maybe they could have had a chance. But they were out here raising themselfs with no guidance.
Wow. I'm very interested in knowing who is who! I check this site bc I can't seem to find another way to gather info about Shannon's release date. Does anyone have a link it a website I can try? The comments about his parents are unfortunately true for the most part, but at 14 having babies I blame the old molester that impregnated her, and her fifteen year old cousin prior to her. It all boils down to one root. The father started the cycle of abuse that can only continue without someone making the decision to stop the cycle. I'm that person. If there is actually a book being written, understand that I work for the best attorney in the state and will make sure that he does not see a dime. Everyone...breathe...enjoy your life.....Mary can't because of Shannon. That is not judgement but fact. :(
those punk mother fuckers did alot of bad shit. those two just got caught. wannabe wigger punk bitches who either jumped people or pulled a gun. that dude aint getting out. Amber Kidd. LOL! what a joke you are. anyone who supports or loves this piece of shit deserves to be in there with him getting gang raped.
Fact: Amber (Larkin) Perez was busted taking Shannon Kidd in drugs 6 to 8 months ago at Marion Correction Institution. She has never been charged. They moved Shannon to Toledo Prison were Amber still sees him. How does this happen? Fact: Shannon Kidd does not see the parole board until 2037. Fact: Amber is an idiot and a fool. She doesn't realize shes being used as a mule to sneak drugs in a prison, paying for calls and giving her money to a sicko, when she has children who would benefit much more. Shannon is a cold blooded killer. Doesn't matter if he was young, or came from a bad home or any excuse everyone is making. He killed a woman, a mother, whose children I'm sure still grieve for her. Why should he ever be free? He took a life, he deserves at least to spend his life in prison. Which is too good for him. Should have been put to death in my opinion. Check some facts at "Inmate Search"
Wow, I can't believe people still talk about Shannon besides Mary Jo family. Remembering how such a wonderful life was taken so soon. I only bring this horrific tragedy up time to time to teach my kids you never really know people. I can remember sitting at the kitchen table reading the bible with Shannon his brother Jr and my mom. Amber for you it is very scary to think that there are people in this world with such a low self-esteem .In such a search for love and affection. That they would go as far as this . Honey I will pray for you and hope one day you will realize you deserve better.
I had my "Facts" wrong. It was 1 yr ago on May 1st that Amber (Larkin) Perez was busted taking drugs to Shannon Kidd. He has her believing he makes no money from this. Then why keep taking it in? She believes ANYTHING he tells her. It's sad!! You're right miss me 132, the only person worth talking about is Mary Jo Pesho. She should still be here with her children, growing old..
I love the trash woman on here claimin she was abducted by Dimarco........Really? I find that fascinating considering the guy was in prison on Aug 30th 1997. You fucking Idiot try again next time you loser wanna be victim. DGC
Sounds like you still hold a grudge. Replying on a forum thats 5 years old. Sounds like one of them took your girl from ya. Change your soggy diaper and go to bed kid.
Sounds like you're a bitch. Replying to support another bitch. None of those boys were hard. None of you. Bitch.
Since I happened upon this forum, I figured that I'd offer my two sense: Shannon Kidd is the epitome of evil, a sick, twisted, sociopathic piece of vile, inhuman waste that doesn't deserve to see the light of freedom...EVER! This maniac is just another unfortunate side story that casts shame upon NE Ohio - no different then the likes of Anthony Sowell or Ariel Castro. Hell awaits this pathetic low-life self serving scumbag!!
I was incarcerated at Warren Correctional Institution with Shannon. What happened to Mary simply cannot be overlooked. However, this is a case that squarely demonstrates that good people make terrible decisions. Due to a ruling a couple years ago by the U.S. Supreme Court, Shannon will receive a sentence reduction because it is unconstitutional to impose a life sentence on those who were juveniles at the time the offenses were committed. Subsequent decisions have stated a number of years that equals life anyway is just as unconstitutional. He did what he did. However, you cannot throw away a juvenile for the rest of his life no matter how heinous the crime.
How dare anyone speak badly about my father John. He was a very good man and worked his ass off to provide for Brenda and me and Junior and Shannon. He went without so we could have. And NEVER did he have anybody selling drugs. Drug dealers don't bust their ass 72 hours a week working...GRT YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT !
You ignorant fuck..Shannon is my little brother and your accusations are way off...Shannon is running shit in prison and has the highest respect in prison...make your accusations to his face and watch him beat the fuck out of you
Dimarco was not a wannabe. He had a lot of heart if anyone challenged him. When I knew him I knew him as C-Money from Rollin 20's CRIP. As for Shannon I didn't know him, but I knew his brother Junior. RTIP C-Money from you old homie OG Lil Snewp AKA OG Boo Roc from 76 East Coast Crip.
I know thats right Kevin..
So much trash on this page...
U say he was running shut,I was n Belmont with him and the only thing he was running was dicks up his ads!
I was referring to his father Donald.
Fuck both of the little faggots ... couple of murdering punks from Cleveland. They deserve what they got .. Kidd should hang himself too if hes got any brains left . Fucking Cleveland trash bags ... I grew up with those fuck sticks and knew most of there friends ...a bunch of gang banger whigger wanna-bes.. Both were scrawny little bitches .The cops should have shot them both on the spot ... innocent my fucking ass.Neither of them could ever get any real pussy, so they had to rape ,torture , and kill a poor innocent mother of three ?? U clowns that are supporting anything about these two should be shot too .. burn in hell shit bags .. if I knew where dimarco was buried I'd piss on his grave ..I hope Kidd is getting raped in prison too real nice and slow ..matter of fact.. I know he is cause hes cleaning my cell right now .. Hes gay not me ...cause hes sucking my dick now .. fuck those dudes and all there friends back then too .. hood rat punks ..if Kidd ever gets out , after hes done tossing my salad ...dont worry ..he will be dealt with proper like in due time ...Karmas a bitch ..
Did you forget about me
My name is Michael they tried to kill me, guess what?
Hello Everyone,
Just let me say this to the Pesho Family, my heart goes out to you for your pain, continued suffering and your lose. Loosing someone you love is never easy. Granted I lost both my parents to illness it was still hard. I am not claiming to know what life was/is like for you; I just want to say my thoughts go out to you. I did not know and still do not personal know either of the convicted killers, but I am now married to a family member of Kidd. Let me reassure you that from what that family has said that Kidd will never leave prison has a free person. For any of the Kidd family members this is no disrespect to you but we need to be focused on the innocent people that were negatively affected by this and not on a person that choose to do what he did.
What a bunch of trash on this site
write it. My attorney will make sure you never see a penny.
Shannon is "running shit" in prison? Be careful who you say that to, he could end up being shown who IS running shit.
You need to get a copy of the forensics that was done recently. Both their DNA profiles through semen were in her vagina and anal cavities.
Listen up you Brab Dimarco was a lame . What got him caught was his dick suckers . He bragged about being a hit man while he was in Belmont . If he would have kept his bitch ass mouth shut he wouldn't got caught. He wasn't ever a ganster he was a sick ass rapist who's dna was found on that women period point blank. A gangsters dont rape women og dumb ass
To the Anonymous poster who asked,"..have you read the coroners report..." Have you read it? If so, why don't you share it with those of us here who have not read it.
And don't anyone worry about that blow-hard buffoon Cuyahoga County Deputy Sheriff Neal Ebenger who supposedly "predicted" DiMarco's suicide 2 weeks before it happened. Doubtful that fat, sloppy, sorry excuse for a Deputy had some sort of psychic revelation during his nap on the 4th floor of the Cuyahoga County Justice Center where he worked the evening shift. If I were the media, I wouldn't have bothered to print Ebenger's stupid, attention starved story, much less retell it.
Good thing Ebenger finally retired in 2017 when he did. A guy who basically spent his entire career as a political hack in a position of sinecure, sleeping on duty, and eating carry out food out of styrofoam containers for his whole career. And for the brief hours he was awake, he did nothing but gossip about co-workers. Fat man. Pig-faced piece of garbage, who lived in his moldy, scum-ridden patrol jacket. Not that he actually went on patrol or anything... just saying, he worn that yucky jacket regardless if it was the middle of July and 110 F degrees out.
He did nothing for the benefit of the tax payers.
I was in SOCF when Dimarco was brought onto my cell block. K2. If i remember they brought him from Lebenon. Idk.quiet as a church mouse. Deep down I hope he didnt hang himself. I hope atleast one person got the satisfaction of stringing him up. I was doing a addseg bit for fucking up in Lorain. Hes one of 2 people I knew of in the joint i would have loved to squeeze the wind out of.
For whoever called me trash and said I was lying, I may have the date wrong, yeah. But I know this much: It was a burgundy with gray striped Astrovan, a black guy driving, girl in backseat staring straight ahead like a zombie, and DiMarcos twin in the passenger seat, after I was abducted at e 30 n carnegie from a pay phone late at night. The driver told me we "were going for a ride" when I said LET ME OUT NOW. That's when DiMarcos apparent twin pulled a knife and said I'm going to cut your throat bitch, and turned around and started swinging it, he cut my arms, my neck only a little. I somehow knew I'd never come back from that ride so I jumped out as soon as the guy took off driving. I couldn't walk for a good 6 months...injured..My purse was later found on w 65 near the projects, minus my $40 cash. They were smart enough to not try to cash my kids SSI check. I was right around MJ Peshos age and looked similar btw. I always wondered if he had mother issues, which would explain him targeting women of the same age. Whoever doesn't believe me I don't care. I know that was the night that convinced me to straighten up, stay home at night and not go out looking for dope. Maybe he did me a favor.
I woulda loved to watch you end him.
Oooh boy! Isn't Shannon the shining example of success! He's achieved Soo much being a sick fuck and now he's fufilling his life long dream of getting his asshole reamed by big sweaty black dudes in prison. I hear he's real popular with the boys! No matter what someone may reply next, it doesn't change the fact that this piece of maggot shit is going to rot in hell for eternity! Hahaha, perfect! And on behalf of your victim, pay backs a bitch mother fucker and you'll find out that prison is a cake walk compared to the unimaginable pain and suffering that's next! Enjoy you fucking retarded monster!��
Terrible tragedy. Worst Parma crime in my lifetime for sure. I'm not going to reference the human trash, scumbag, rapist murdering cunts, bc I never met either. I came up at the same time, and vaguely remember hearing either name prior to their disgusting and unimaginable crimes, and probably never actually did.
Dimarco's mom could not have deserved to die how she did either. I interacted w her almost every day for 2-years, stopping for lunch at Parmatown Mr Hero before vocational at VF. She was a very nice woman, despite working directly across the street from ground zero at the exact time her son committed his atrocities.
I'm not a psychiatrist, but this is almost certainly a textbook serial killer story, minus the abusive mother, and thankfully additional murders. Instead, a lethal dose of impotent step-father, who replaced his own inadequacy with extreme violence towards his wife and her son from another man, who was certainly beaten ferociously and verbally humiliated perpetually. The human trash stepfather probably murdered and dismembered his wife as a reaction of jealousy to his stepson's public attention. Like I said, horrible tragedy.
God Bless the Pesho Family and all the victims.
People still believe he is coming home soon. Seen those comments for 6 or 7 years now. His first parole hearing is in 2038! For all the crimes for which he was convicted, he will die in prison. Doesn't matter much how much he has changed. Had he been 18 when they committed the kidnap-torture-rape-murder, it would have been a death penalty case.
My daughters father born 77 in parma also grew up around dimarco said he hated DeMarco hanging around said something was always off...I wonder if you both know each other now...
What an achievement, respect from convicts. Give the boy a gold star. You sick fucks.
Wasn't William Stewart fired from the Steel mill for female harassment? It was Sharon township circle where he was stopped with 5 bags of his wifes body parts in @ 2/3am.? Such a nice women at Mr.Hero to be waited on. Remember William getting bust in the court house going through coat pockets during trial for his stepson?
I was locked up with him in juvenile and in the county jail during is murder trial. That was my friend and he was not a wannabe or a wimp. Dimarko had clout and was the only white boy who was a fighter and aint take no shit from nobody. Sorry for everyone who lost a love one in this situation. And I Kno he was murdered in prison.he wasn't going to hang himself
I also cannot believe the word normal was used in reference to Shannon Kidd. Even if the person was just trying to point out how evil dimarvo was, the word normal should never have been used. To play a part in that horrific murder suggests a very evil person, and if Kidd was the accomplice, Kidd is also evil.how dare they take a mother away from her children for no reason except their desire to inflict horrendous pain on an innocent woman? I hope they rot in hell.
What was on the coroner's report? Where was she shot?
Those twisted little freaks will burn in hell.
RIP Mary Jo Pesho.
That's a fucken lie. They never recovered DNA evidence linking either to raping her.
I am the writer of this article. Today is the 25th anniversary of the Pesho abduction which is amazing! I will be writing another article, and I have one going live on Facebook and IG today. Thank you guys for your comments the past 12 years!
Can you tell me when you post the new article? I dont do fb or ig
Lol running shit definitely not only thing he running is running to check in.was locked up with him seen it for myself.look how many times he transferred.your brothers a bitch fr
Shannon is the one that confessed to the murder because he couldn't live with it anymore
Kidd was a little dick sucker, gump in Belmont before the murder trial. In county I watched some short little CO beat his skinny bitch ass for talking shit!
What happened Michael
This is my favorite comment
Nah girl you’re def telling the truth
Who's his twin? So it was someone that looked like him but not him? You sound high af still
And still …
If there is a miss Amber kidd in the house still, just a friendly note to let you know, if your married to sk, or if you actually think your the only 1, trust me 100, your not. Your “man” isn’t just your man. I thought I was the only one too. We are 1 of many :) and another thing to everyone in the house, as of 2022, sk was DENIED PAROLE. Just to clear the air, EVERYONE comes up for parole. Parole is the justice system’s protocol, just because you come up for parole doesn’t mean you make it. Also, for sk, his records show 25-40 years to life. for all of you that have this imaginary release in your mind, you guys make my day , your hilarious
There are plenty of fish in sk sea of females “thinking” they are the only one. Kudos to you gals for landing someone who will NOT see a day free.Enjoy your holiday visits phone calls/ Jpays because that will be the extent of any possible “relationship” you will haveRest assured it’s “a life for a life” just educate yourself. The prosecution/The victims husband Ray quoted.stay blessed
Amber and Shannon are NOT legally married .Just a female hanging around per usual his manipulative behaviors. One of quite of few MANY is correct. Hilarious is correct.
Funny how people assume things wait until the real story comes out. But people will still be hating..its not like He isnt remorseful and wished things were different, but things happened and people have to live with their choices and turn their lives around and give it to God.
You are not the first to claim they know what really happened(So many stories/accusations/rumors) TBT Shannon Marc AND God will be the only ones who truly know that answer EVER .
He doesn't deserve anything but the hell he is going to next
: )
Idk y she is so bitter on here mad that she wasn't the only one. Ya big dummy. Lol we over here laughing at you for thinking you were special. Hahahahahaha
I have so much I would love to indulge in on this thread BUT I’ll refrain for the sake of my own sanity . Sure is raining stupidity alllllll throughout this though sheesh !
Soft Ass Shannon and Mark 😂😂😂
Them lames was wannabe gangsters. Mark was from Parma OH who hanged out with white wiggers from 123rd who were ALSO SOFT AF 😂😂😂
Shannon and his brother were from soft ass white DENISON and used to get abused by them Madison niggaz… Imagime some some White boys being tough on the streets 😂😂😂🤦🏾♂️..
No wonder them weirdos went and did that to that poor lady. They couldn’t get a rep in the streets .
Somebody said “Rollin 20 Crips” 😂😂😂
Them Madison niggaz used to be beating on them FAKE WHITE CRIPS
Imagine a Crip being white from Parma 😂😂😂
Her self esteem the size of ANT DOOKIE
Shannon been soft as wet dog shit since he was a kid. Soft white boy from 95th and Lorain. His brother Bug Dumb May as well been 5ft 9 like Shannon. He was soft af too. White, Fake Crips 😂😂😂. Imagine a white Crip 🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️
Your self esteem the size of Ant Shit 😂😂😂
And??? both of them was soft af. Jr May well has been Shannon’s height how soft his big, soft ass was. Everybody know the only one with heart from WHITE DENISON was Black Chad. Everybody else was punching bags.. BIG FACTS!
I thought he was getting out. Your post aged like milk in the sun
“Writing a book” 😂😂😂
Your posts aged like cheese. Nothing you say happened. You been gassed you dumby
Shannon Kidd was getting treated like a GUMP in prison just like he was on the streets. Imagine a snitch white boy running a prison 😂😂😂. He told you that?? All them times he transferred and you believe that?? 🤦🏾♂️😂😂😂😂
That lame in there rotting
Pesho family members can take a little satisfaction knowing Shannon was somebody named Dave’s WIFE in prison. Shannon was getting boned for protection to avoid consequences and aggressive inmates. Again, Shannon was somebody’s WIFE the majority of his bid
You a square. F**k your opinion Parma boy
Them disgusting white weirdos abducted a old lady cuz they was getting PUNISHED in the streets. Shannon was getting smashed in the ass for protection by BLACK DAVE! BIG FACTS! If you know, you know!
Shannon Kidd and his big dumb goofy brother been soft they whole life. BIG FACTS!
Fake OG talking about he k ew him as a Rollin 20 Crip 😂😂😂
Them soft azz white Westside Crips OMG… Shut your fake OG, lying azz up you chump. Who was he a Crip with, Blunt from Denison?? 😂😂😂🤦🏾♂️
“So I will stick by my friend” 😂😂
Shut up Malibu most Wanted
Well you need to help him out. He was Black Dave’s “wife” because he was petrified. They was railing that lame white boy in his ass and he was taking it because that snitch was shook to death .. ya hear me?? If you know you know
Well aren’t ya’ll the definition of a white thrash family. Black Dave had Shannon as his “wife” in prison. If you know you know
Bitch you bragging about knowing a snitch RAT who was getting rammed by Black Dave in prison?? Hold your L hoe
Ahhh is 2023 you big dumby. Your post aged like cheese. Hold your L
Ace deuce tre??? BuahahahahhahahHhah … soft ass Westside hoods OMG.
F**k your father chump. Black Dave had Shannonas his “wife” in prison. He was getting his bootyhole pushed in for protection. If you know you know!
Shut your dumb ass up. You still selling Wolf tickets obese hoe
Somebody over there blowin this old blog up on some irrelevant nonsense because they’re mad at Shannon obviously. Grow up Get Up and Go on somewhere else. Bunch of keyboard possums around here . MKW
I don't hear no facts about being in the county jail or prison i do know dimarco wasn't no punk in the county or prison i did four months In the county with him 7B he's got hand's and as far as Belmont he was handling his business Belmont was soft as fuck D.H was harder than Belmont I know this much the police kept coming to Belmont to talk to kid then dimarco fell suspect i don't believe he did it just like kid cut a deal you know his dumb ass was coerced by the police what to say to make kid look like an accomplice and if they had dimarco d.n.a they wouldn't have taken a year to arrest him kid left something behind to get caught and this is a fact you cannot hang yourself in that super max prison you have no possible way of being able to get in the vent window door it's hard dead time you don't even get your mail it is given to you on your TV screen it's fucked up dimarco was getting ready for a New trial it doesn't add up on him that's some foul sick shit
Right cause ita 2023 and he already got denied...lol
Twisted sick . He won’t ever see the light of day so pipe down over there . Lots of these old cases hittin parole and being denied . Don’t get your panties ina bunch over something that’ll never happen big head !
Fuck you and everything that you do
Let it be Ive heard he is due for parole again They say he will never be released due to the brutally violent nature of the crime and the outrage it would cause with the public
My vote is to keep
The violence locked up .Ms Pesho didn’t have a second shot at anything. Least we can do is
Let it be
I hope for his sakes he is remorseful because one day he will be judged by his true master as we all will ! Does NOT mean he is entitled to a second chance or even a piece of what normal life could be . He made a choice and he has to live with not just that choice BUT the consequences that come with it . The system will not release a human who has committed this type of crime . 12.13.17 18 it matters none . He will live his life in prison
Yall are fucken wild up in here!!!!!!
I didn't know Kidd. I knew Mark. He was fucked up. Everyone needs to pray for this world. Do you think that they'll be the last rapists. Nope. The last killers. Nope. Humanity has lost it's way and it's getting worse every day. Pray for this world. Who gives a fuck who's hard who's soft who's white who's black. We're all heading straight to hell. Pray for me. Pray for yourself. Pray for the world!
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