September 11, 2001.
Eight years ago today was an overwhelmingly tragic day for the nation, but it was also a terrifying day to those of us that weren't directly affected. Thankfully, I didn't lose any loved ones in any of the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and Shanksville, PA, but it was a very nerve-wrecking day nonetheless. I awoke that morning with two thoughts on my mind; reports had surfaced the previous day about Michael Jordan's decision to return to pro basketball, this time with the Washington Wizards after a nearly four year hiatus. Also, Jay-Z's highly anticipated album, The Blueprint was set for release on this day. Both things delighted me to no end, but watching the see-it-to-believe it situation unfolding on television caused initial shock, then as the day progressed, absolute fear.
I was scared.
There was an air of panic that hovered over that day. There was apprehension just getting on a bus or rapid transit. Bomb threats were reported in Cleveland and the normally populous downtown section was a veritable ghost town at noon, normally the busiest time of the day.
Interesting to me, Jay-Z was set to release The Blueprint 3 today (he released it three days ago) and Jordan is being enshrined into the Basketball Hall of Fame in a few hours. Talk about irony and coincidence.
With the massive deaths and heroism, this is clearly an indelible day that will forever live in infamy. It is also a day that is symbolic of America's resolve.
God continue to keep us safe from a repeat of such cruelty.
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