Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sherman Hemsley Was True Television Pioneer

CLEVELAND - With the death of actor Sherman Hemsley yesterday at age 74, a groundbreaking member of television history left an indelible, irrefutable legacy that few have ever achieved.

And it was all because of George Jefferson.

Hemsley's signature acting role came in the 1970's when the Norman Lear-created Jefferson character made its controversial debut on All in the Family. Jefferson was the perfect counterpart to Family's Archie Bunker as both men were endlessly pig-headed, bigoted and narrow minded. It was Hemsley's nuanced portrayal of the character on the now iconic spin-off, The Jeffersons, which showcased his comedic (and dramatic) brilliance for 11 seasons.

He had other memorable roles before and after George Jefferson, but none were even remotely as impactful as the snarky, sassy dry-cleaning entrepreneur who "moved on up" with his wife Weezy.

Thanks to a wealth of television memories, I will always remember his genius. 

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