CLEVELAND - With today being Christmas Day, I felt that it was only fitting that I made mention of the fact that America got its gifts early.
Barack Obama and O.J. Simpson.
In the 230-some odd years that there have been U.S. presidents, there has never been an African-American one. This year, on November 4 that fact changed forever when Obama defeated Sen. John McCain to become our next Commander-in-Chief. Blacks all over the country rejoiced and shed a trillion tears at the seminal moment which has become something of a flash point in the long history of this country. After intense racial inequality that has lasted basically all of our lifetimes, this event was and is still huge!
Obama in the White House? Merry Christmas, Black folks!
For Simpson, his Christmas won't be so great, but White America is loving every minute of his recently imposed prison sentence of nine to 33 years. The NFL legend has never outran the double murder charges he faced back in 1994 and 1995. With a "mountain of evidence" heavily suggesting that he murdered his ex-wife and her friend on June 12, 1994, he was shockingly acquitted in the fall of '95 to the dismay of millions of Whites. On October 3, 2008, exactly 13 years after his historic acquittal, Simpson was found guilty of armed robbery and kidnapping, much to the delight of White folks all over the planet.
Simpson in the Big House? Merry Christmas, White folks.
Me personally, I'm just happy to be alive and well on yet another Christmas Day. Happy Birthday to Jesus and Merry Chistmas to my children, fans and everyone all over the world.
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