He turned me into a bizarre nutjob for a while.
DiMarco was a murderer, abductor and alleged rapist, among other things before he committed suicide in a Youngstown prison. Today marks the 10th anniversary of his death, so I decided that it's a great time to bring up something that was um, sort of creepy that involved him and myself.
DiMarco became infamous in Cleveland lore because of his role in the 1996 murder of North Royalton nurse Mary Jo Pesho. He and Shannon Kidd acosted Pesho at Parmatown Mall on January 2, 1996, kidnapped her, supposedly raped her (although her autopsy seemed to contradict that) and then murdered her. Both young men, 17 at the time were able to avoid arrest for a long while. By the Spring of 1998, they had been sentenced to long prison terms. Kidd was helpful to the prosecution and received a "light" 40 years, which was almost nothing compared to what DiMarco got. The sinister mastermind of the entire crime was given 94 years to life.
For whatever reason, I became fascinated with the case as well as the smug DiMarco himself. Once he took his own life, he seemed like a martyr, if only to me. While the rest of the city detested him, I was busy writing on napkins stupefying things like, "DiMarco for President." I often touted him as being a role model and even lied to people saying that I attended his funeral.
Coincidentally, I just happened to have a friend that knew DiMarco personally. In fact, she was one of several individuals that did a very brief stint in prison for perjury in his case. She allowed me to hear recorded conversations between she and Kidd while he was incarcerated and even read me a letter he sent her. This girl also was friends with DiMarco's girlfriend Jennifer Ray, who was also jailed for perjury.
I felt like I was a part of history!
I went so far as to design a T-shirt with DiMarco's photo on it. I also replicated his suicide note in magic marker and affixed DIMARCO across the top back of the shirt as if it were a sports jersey. I wore the shirt to work under another shirt and when I revealed it, I sparked a lot of glares and hushed whispers. Everyone locally knew of the case and DiMarco well, so I became persona non grata very easily.
The final straw may have been when my buddy, the girl that was DiMarco's friend surprised me by bringing his girlfriend to my 22nd birthday party. I was giddy with excitement and once they arrived, I asked Ray (his girlfriend) a plethora of questions pertaining to him. When I showed her the controversial shirt, she was flattered and overjoyed that I was such a "fan."
Everyone else wanted to have me committed.
My friend actually brought me a copy of his obituary, but redacted the info detailing the location of his burial. She actually felt that if I knew where he was buried, I might go and try to "dig him up!" I know it sounds crazy, but the way I behaved at the time ... it was a very smart thing to assume.
I even jokingly suggested inviting him (read: his corpse) to my party. One of my other female friends remarked at the time, "if you do that, people will be scared to sit by him." Talk about insanity.
Bottom line, I understood then as I do now the seriousness of DiMarco's transgressions. I wasn't trying to make light of the horrific things he did, nor did I truly think he was a hero or role model. It was just another example of my sometimes over-the-top idiosyncrasies and all-out bizarre mentality. I believe it to be the remnants of my legendary shock tinged sense of humor.
In any event, I want to officially put the DiMarco debacle to bed. Let the man rest in peace.
I was best friends with Mark for many years. You or anyone else has no idea about him or his life. N neither did "ray" She was young and oblivious to anything about him. He was much older then her and they were not together THAT LONG. She was like a dog! What ever he said she did, they would see or talk each other for weeks. Needless to say she didnt mean shit to him.
And it makes me sick...... to read some of the shit you said. Have some respect! Have even more for the people that still love him!
"Have some respect"????? Have some "respect" for the monster that blithely kidnapped and killed an innocent woman, taking her away from her husband and family who loved her? Have some respect? Get a life. That murder haunted me for years afterward. I went to Parmatown Mall frequently. That could have been me. I was scared to go there ever again. HAVE SOME RESPECT???? DIMARCO IS ROTTING IN HELL WHERE HE BELONGS!!!!!
I just happened upon this garbage. I went to school with Mary Jo. Her family will suffer until their death for mourning her. You are a complete ass. May you suffer her fate.
Love him? r u serious, He has always been crazy, he stabbed a friend of mine Sean that he was trying to rob, it was never reported or course being in that lifestyle poeple rarely do. If you knew him then you know that he never respected women, him and the whole 123rd click can eat shit and dye. Kidd was always a snitch and a follower, i know this wasnt his idea, he was never that smart and did waht people told him to. Thats why Dimarco was even hanging with Kidd becasue he knew Kidd would do as he was told. I mean look waht his father did to his own mother. Just shows you psychopaths run in the family. I feel for the kids that were left behind. What a monster let him ROT
Seriously ! People love that sick fuck ! They kidnapped a woman while her chrildren were 1 minute away waiting for her to pick them up . Not only did they kidnapp her they fucking raped her , burnt her w/ a lighter & than killed her ! Why ~ for some sick fettish ! Fuck them both & they both need to rot in hell . Shannon kidd may still be alive but doubt he will make it to walk out them prison doors 1 Awe and both there poor mothers were killed ! So sad !
none of you assholes no what kind of life they both lived. there's no fucking proof that they RAPED that women. grow up. Kidd will make it out alive and well he was a good kid that came from a fucked up home he was in and out of fosters homes his parents beat him never cared for him like a child should have been cared for. so until you no someone's life story don't fucking judge them. I feel for Mary Jo family but its time to let that go forgive and forget its in gods hands now!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous from May 2013 - it doesn't matter what happened in DiMarco's life, he was a sick f**k for what he did and that also haunted me for years because I frequently went to Parmatown before that happened. The poor woman begged for her life. He doesn't deserve any respect. As far as the people who still love him, don't tell me about that either. I have a loved one who is a lifer in prison and I would not blame anyone for saying things against him. I'm glad DiMarco is dead.
let me say something.its my damm name as the last one he wrote in the tabloids for the rest of my life do I condone know do I hate him I hate what he did I must be young and fun kid he wasand his Dad didn't kill himself clarify that the sympathy goes to the family also people quit writing about s*** you don't know this is the first time I spoke in 15 years let it go move on and stop listening to everything in the stories its not true.I'm a come up as anonymous but my name is in the story of the last letter he Wrote.I'm not bragging I don't care nothing's funny that's why I stayed away for 15 years jen is a compulsive liar and just stupid she lied under oath Inmark couldn't do anything to her he was in jail she wanted to be around that lifestyle it wasn't for Her.his mother was also brutally murdered shot and cut up in bags by the stepfather but you didn't know the exact story huhmike was abused as a child his mom was a drunk so is Bill they treated him like f****** s*** aAnd he had a hard time they should have got him help as a kid.and did they know they didn't care think about it he was funny what you did wasn't funny but there's still no DNA tO him just Shannon talking so geez shut up you will have your day In front of god to.if you guys wear killing animals do drugs have tattoos thats all a sin do you go to church is your kids baptized read the 12 commandments goodbye and everyone have a good life and forget about it
my phone voice text screwed up so some words are not correct you Will understand them
Wow.. None of you people have a clue what you are talking about!
Fuck both of the little faggots ... couple of murdering punks from Westpark . They deserve what they got .. Kidd should hang himself too . Fucking Cleveland trash bags ... I grew up with those fuck sticks and knew all there friends .. cops should have shot them both on the spot ... innocent my ass . U clowns that are supporting anything about these two should be shot too .. burn in hell shit bags .. if I knew where dimarco was buried I'd piss on his grave .. hope Kidd is getting raped in prison too .. fuck those dudes and all there friends back then too .. hood rat punks
Boo fucking hoo
My head hurt just trying to read this nonsense, my take on the whole case is everyone involved in nothing but white trash
Did not know dimarco but grew up around both the kidd brothers when I was younger. I remember sitting on a mutual friend of our's porch drinking 40's and him telling us he raped and killed some lady before it was even talked about in the news or any possibility of him knowing unless he committed the crime.they did it. Everything that was said was done was done. I didn't really have an opinion of him either way. Always thought he was a little off but not to that extent. That was the reason I kept my distance
U people are sick. Many grow up in bad environments and don’t commit murder! Wtf u still know it’s wrong there is no excuse! I love how this ‘religious’ person is comparing tattoos to murder. Well, there is no god so I’m not too worried about it we’d all be going to hell for dumb shit... 12 commandments huh? More like 112 do u even Read ur own “Holy Book”? No most Christians don’t lol
Kid crazy not like he can fight crazy but we went to Wilbur wright together I think he's a year older than me anyway he was definitely weird and when I say is crazy cuz we're like 11 and he's got a pistol it's in school with him he used to get beat up on Dennis and a lot he wasn't nothing like his brother Junior they had two different lifestyles Shannon kid was a car thief and Junior was a hustler Kevin was a smoker so very dysfunctional family but I had some good times with his brother but I never knew Shannon and I don't know Mark Demarco I just know he was some soft ass dude from Parma why you think they kicked it out there all the time and fuck 123rd Cam and all them bitch ass niggas ... Denison bitch
Anonymous I was Mark's best friend during middle school and early high school he lived at Hidden Cove apartments on Stumph road in Parma heights I was next dr he was a normal good kid but when he hit 16 he hung around different crowd he deserved everything he got that poor women and her family. They stuck gun up her no entry or exit wound they raped her with a gun they both will rot in hell.
Hey to get the real muthafucken facts go read the public access court documents. Become a fact checking genius. Instead of a shit talking moron.
WTF does 123 and Cam have to do with this? People tend to post ignorant shit here....Let the woman rest in peace already....all of the families and people involved done suffered enough...
Their crimes are unspeakable. Many are saying; its 15 years get over it. You don't get over people you love that die of diseases ever. The crimes were also inhuman
No matter how screwed up an upbringing is, this is NOT justified. I grew up in a very bad home. I was also picked on and tormented in school. It continues thorough tenth grade! Hav e you ever been called names, picked on, attacked while teachers just ignored it eery day of your life in school? I. was a follower too, I did what I was told, My Own sense of taking care of me did NOT exist
the household was poverty, I saw my father trynna. to kill my mother then. changed his mind This Wass before he drove off forever while the Christmas tree was up. Two alcoholic. parents. Abuses that went on at home and at school. I had no place to be, or fit in. Ever.
Somehow I managed to develop my own moral coil. I never raped, kidnapped for killed anyone. No matter whaat we are not taught or suffer at home or school, we do know right from wrong. Abused kids have a much harder life. But this causing you to rape, kidnap, burn, torture and kill someone? No. I have ZERO sympathy for this excuse.
This kind of life often leads to alcohol and drug abuse. Shoplifting, Moving violations, speeding & DUI's. A lot of bad surely roots from it. But what these horrible men diid? NO, Are. you trying to tell me as they. were 17 they diid n ot UNDERSTAAND murder was illegal? Kidnappiing and rape.
All of you who think people should get over it, need to plan on taking him into your home if he ever gets out. As he is so harmless and obedient, he. can work for you in exchange for room and board. During this time, if he commutes crimes because someone told his too, you need to bear the sentence for him. After all, according to you, its not his. fault.
Disputinig what happened in the van? She is still dead. And tortured. Burns inside and out whys she was alive just to hear her scream. These facts were established. by the evidence on the victim and the murderes themselves. So you say get over it? Include. yourself in that.
I cannot fathom anyone making. these comments has ever experienced the true pain of losing a loved one at all. And it you. just got over it? Then perhaps you are the one with no natural feelings or love for anyone. If. you think this is a get over it situation?
Your lost. A t shirt in this horrific criminals honer?
Her children are. all still young people, He daughter was a special needs child. They experienced severe trauma. The whole family, extended. family and friends all. suffered.
The disgusting elements of this crime made it a huge news story. You caused. trauma and depressing in many of us.
We show our love for God and humanity by remembering them in our payers. Living for the day when the kingdom comes and gives death its final blow.
“Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them.f 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes,g and death will be no more,h neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.i The former things have passed away.” Revelation 21: 3-4. for more information on the kingdom that is coming, visit jw.org
I dont really care what kind of childhood you had once you kidnap an innocent women, rape her, beat her, kill her, butn her, and assult her with a weapon. Fuck them. Kidds getting ass fucked in prison anyways lol.
You're just mad because as a free man You're still getting your ass blowed out because you're a sissy ass lying bitch.
He did grow up in those Apts on Stumph rd. I went to Forest Elementary in 3rd grade and MD was in 4th and I lived on Stumph too so I always saw him around. I don't remember him ever being in the boy scouts in Elementary at all. He was a bit wierd but as he got older started hanging out with the "wiggers" and then I remember seeing him at the mall in 94-95 and he was taking like a gangster. It's crazy I knew this psyco as a kid and wish I never met him. He is burning in he'll a and his co-defendant will too some day! I can't believe they are considering adjusting his sentence, makes me sick, and it's horrible that the Pesho family has to revisit this so many years later. He needs to do life, no question!
He went to the board this month got a continued hearing and believe me he isn't going anywhere where soon and if all you people know so much about his hearing just look on Ohio department of corrections and it will tell and they can sentence you to life but because he was young he couldn't be sentenced to life with out parole and yes he's a Little Bicth he doesn't want out he's got all the dick he wants and he's happy with that
What was the proof Demarco killed her? Shannon Kidd was allegedly a snitch and follower. The police could have beat him into submission and a fraud confession. Not like it never happens. Was there any DNA from the crime scene that specifically linked Demarco to raping and murdering her? Because you know what? I personally believe the stepdad did it and blamed the kids. Joyce found out am he murdered her. That’s what I believe.
What if Demarco did not kill her? I have a deep gut level feeling it was the stepdad. Joyce figured it out and he killed her. Shannon Kidd was coerced into a confession. Show me forensic proof Demarco did it.
I have known SK for many years and I remember hearing that the father was threatening and coercing them both into a false confession. By not only threatening SK and his family. But also the police wanted to solve this case so badly they did there own form of manipulation to get a false confession. Clearly the DNA evidence on both SK and Demarco came back negative along with a coroner's report that proves she wasn't sexually assaulted. But they still convicted them both anyways.THE PROOF IS IN THE EVIDENCE WHICH NEEDS TO BE EXPOSED. These types of cases happen all the time especially juveniles. Then get released 25 30 years after being locked up.
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They will release him after 30
Yrs … facts … just look at what the appellate court said .
If or when that piece of shit,gets released he's dead
Rot in jail
If he is released that is on the system just as the justice was PERIOD !Nothing but trash talk …
Highly unlikely. He will not be easily found . Do you think a man who has been rehabilitated after 28 year+ will be able to live amongst us ? Probably not . He will have no choice but to almost isolate himself from the world . His case was nationwide. His name unforgettable and unforgivable. Nowadays … the same crime
… maybe 4 maybe 6 yrs … his whole life has been incarceration from childhood on through . So again … Highly unlikely!
I read where it said as of 2022 sk was DENIED parole. Now boys and girls, do we know what the definition of DENIED is? It means , SK ISN’T GETTING OUT!! The court papers said 25-40 years to life. Yes SK will steadily come up for parole once in awhile, that’s protocol, everyone comes up now and then for parole, it doesn’t mean they make it. Now boys and girls, for those of you that think you know everything, LMAO, you made my day , thank you for the laughs:)
Show me any proof at all other than a confession by a 16/17 yr old ( that’s all they’ve ever had )… the system only wants a conviction FACTUAL! Bring the case back … DNA ? Nope never any recovered . Idk who did what but I do know no justice either way . A life lost for a senseless act in my eyes overpowers any !
Someone has to pay for what has happened . Agreed 100 percent no evidence ever has been presented or proven ! No DNA NOTHING!!!! Again just a confession…coerced? Possibly … doesn’t matter obviously now . Supreme Court openly admitted to sk being sentenced under wrong laws … doesn’t matter either . Point is … Mary Jo was taken by these two -guilty … Dimarco and that entire family is rotting in hell ( karma) and sk .. well all these years later … bring the case back . People get less time everyday … sounds crazy but honestly I’ve seen people get less time WITH evidence! Just shows how crazy the “ justice” system is . Karma took care of itself in this twisted story . Let sk go 324990
Shannon and Jr big dumb BROKE ass was both soft af. Stfu. If you think them lames was real hustlas
Or hittas, it shows how soft you are too chump.
Oh my bad, confirmed. Your lame ass claiming WHITE DENISON. Them Madison niggaz used to bully ya’ll soft batch cookies on a regular basis
He will get out an old institutionalized old man ๐๐๐… IG he ever gets out. Your old azz gone be there with a Walker huh ๐๐๐. Hold your L
This lame been saying Free Shannon Kidd for decades ๐๐๐
Hold your L high chump. You can’t speak it into existence even if you bust a vein In your head trying.
Keep saying so you feel good ๐๐๐๐. That boy in their rotting
You sound as ignorant as the rest of these chumps . Look up the Cuyahoga county court docket . Maybe MAYBE innabout 40 yrs . Even then UNLIKELY. The way the sentence has been written he has to do more than some 30 yrs FACTS!
People saying they kept quite for years, there's no DNA ect. I unfortunately hung out with that entire crew growing up. They were all headed on the wrong path. Mark DiMarco was insane. I've been to parties and he'd yeah the hotel and pull at a gun and threaten to shoot his own friends. Growing up in a shitty way isn't an excuse to turn around and be shitty yourself. Almost all of that crew is either 6 feet deep or addicted to drugs. Ryan Dionidis..... any of you remember him? He was a party of that crew. He went to prison for killing Josh Dixon, got out picked up an addiction and was found almost a year ago dead in the streets. We choose the life we want to live, and they chose the path they went down.
Is that him in the Parma Obit age 46. And is the Joshua in the obit being laid out at Chambets. Just curious. I was reading up on her murder. I’m from Parma. I find the story on these guys fascinating. Especially the crazy ones who think they are innocent
We all need to get back to Church
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