Talk about transparent.
McCain also encouraged his rival, Sen.Barack Obama to follow suit with his campaign as well as postpone their highly anticipated first debate on Friday, a request that Obama declined. "The American people need to hear from the person who'll be in charge of this mess in forty or so days," said Obama.
I concur.
The Illinois senator also noted that one of the president's chief responsibilities is to be able to handle "more than one thing at a time," a reference to McCain's supposedly new found urgency to tend to the economy. Indeed, the elderly Republican is headed to Washington today for a meeting with President George Bush at The White House to discuss a plan to lift the nation from its economic dungeon.
Obama will also meet up with the two Republicans today along with congressional leaders in an effort to hammer out a viable economic solution, something Bush discussed in an address to the nation last night.
This suspension by McCain is clear evidence that the man is a coward. He's spent his entire campaign living off his tired tale about his toughness and brave resilience in the face of turmoil while a P.O.W. decades ago. He brags about his "service" to this country. Now he displays, not the heart of a lion, but the heart of the Tin Man and the courage of the lion.
Both McCain and his eye candy running mate Gov. Sarah Palin have become a national embarrassment of late. The only reason they're still within shouting distance of the nomination is because of a still-racist U.S. population that can't fathom a country run by a Black man.
If McCain is so concerned with the countries' financial crisis, he needs to face Obama on Friday head on and assuage the fears of Americans with an outline of solid and intelligent strategies to repair the economy.
He already says he won't attend the debate, which will prove him to be a full-fledged yellow belly.
What a joke.
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