That's right. This time, the former NFL star is charged with armed robbery and it is safe to say that I personally am not nearly as transfixed by this trial as I was with the criminal one. I will say this though;
Simpson is an innocent victim.
By innocent, I mean that in spite of every stupid and ill-advised thing he has done, he was still found "not guilty" in a court of law which doesn't exactly mean he didn't do "it", but it does mean that in the eyes of the justice system, he was not the one who murdered those people. However, the nation continues to take him to task and treat him as though he is a proven murderer when in fact, he is not.
Assumption isn't fact. Only facts that can be proven are facts.
The biggest perpetrator of the "Simpson is Guilty" team is none other than murder victim Ron Goldman's father Fred. Ever since the murder took place, the elder Goldman has been on a crusade to basically smear O.J.'s name. He even successfully earned the rights to Simpson's book, If I Did It and re branded it, "Confessions of the Killer."
Simpson should have grounds for a lawsuit for slander.
Look, I know Simpson wasn't the best husband to Nicole and I know he is often his own worst enemy. But I also know that if a man has his day in court and he is found not guilty, he should be able to walk free without having people publicly brand him a murderer. We all have a right to our opinion, but we have no right at all to publicly disgrace and disparage someone whom we have zero evidence of said person actually committing the crime. Let's get footage of Simpson in the act before we treat him like this.
It's only fair.
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