CLEVELAND- Here we are, seven years after that horrific day in America and I'm not sure if a single one of us has truly learned anything that it should've taught us.
That's insane.
The shock and horror of that day was not fully understood by anyone at the time, least of all me. Hell, I was 24 years old back then and all I seemed to care about that historic day was Michael Jordan's pending return to the NBA (Washington Wizards) and the release of Jay-Z's future classic LP, The Blueprint.
It's not that I didn't care ... I did. I suppose it was just not something that affected me because I didn't see the attacks on the U.S. as being "close enough" to me. Rest assured, that was a very nerve wrecking day for this country. I was on edge the entire day thinking a plane or bomb or something else awful would come to Cleveland.
As the years passed and I had a chance to learn of the true loss and heroism of that day, I became very sad and outraged at this cowardly act by Osama bin Laden and his henchmen. I now look back on that day with a great deal of humility and my heart goes out to every family directly involved.
God Bless us now and shield us from this pain in the future. Let us pray.
1 comment:
I would like to say that September 11th will always be remembered in my heart,so many lives were lost May God continue to give the families the strength to live on.Thank you Deante Young for this incredible story God Bless you.
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