Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bristol Palin: A Bigger Embarrassment Than Her Mom

CLEVELAND - Gov. Sarah Palin was maybe the second biggest reason that Sen. John McCain lost the 2008 Presidential election. Of course the biggest reason was the brilliance of then Sen. Barack Obama but in spite of that, Palin's ineptitude was still very painful at times.

Her oldest daughter is far worse.

That's right. Bristol Palin, the 18-year old offspring of the Alaska governor is fast becoming the poster child for naive, sexually active teenagers. With the recent birth of her first child, the young Palin entered into a galaxy of overwhelming responsibility. On top of her new status as a parent, she's trying to achieve a career by finishing her education.

I see.

Palin took to the airwaves earlier this week, appearing on Fox News for an interview with Greta Van Susteren. She discussed the challenges of young motherhood and admitted to wishing she had "waited 10 years" because it would have been "easier."

Ya don't say.

I admit, for most of the interview, the young woman came off as poised and more mature than her years would indicate. However, her few stumbles were significant. Most glaring was her remark about how abstinence is "not realistic at all" for teens. She had a point, but it made her look like a careless and promiscuous adolescent who was simply "following the crowd" and gettin' loose.

I'm just saying.

To further the train wreck that is the Palin family, the newborn's father, Levi Johnston always seems to be uncomfortable in the spotlight, especially during the RNC this past August. When he and Bristol are seen together, they are always holding hands in a manufactured way, almost as if he has been coached to be overly affectionate with her in public. I'm sure he's really the "hands-on dad" that Bristol says he is, but it all seems too scripted to be completely genuine.

How embarrassing.

Here's my take on the interview; based on what Bristol said (and what she didn't say) coupled with her body language, she is likely in denial about how ill-advised this entire pregnancy was. Johnston, a who-gives-a-damn high school hockey player seems like an obvious loser whom she was probably enamored with or simply thought was cute and couldn't control her 17-year old hormones. Condoms were an afterthought but that behavior would have been too irresponsible for her to admit which is probably why she said, "I don't wanna get into detail about [other reasons why abstinence isn't realistic].

I could be wrong, but I'm probably right on the money.

Gov. Palin has been a staunch supporter of sex-ed, and it reeked of defiance when her daughter said that it "didn't matter what [her] mom's views [on keeping the baby] are on it. It was my decision." It was also irritating hearing Bristol repeatedly say how much easier life would have been if this had come in a decade, rather than now.

She almost seemed like she is entitled to an easy life even though she's carelessly fornicating with high school hockey players and who knows who else.


I understand that people make mistakes, especially in their teens. But this young woman did it (pardon the pun) on a huge stage. She also did more harm than good in this interview, including furthering several unflattering stereotypes about teens and white women and of course, the Palin family. 

That seems to be an epidemic now.

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